Monday, January 25, 2010

What is it that we are afraid to look at ?

Unfortunately I am human.

Yes at times I feel it is sin, something wrong to be. That's right I do not want to be a human. To many limitations, feelings, doubts, dashed dreams, goals, and far too many unexpected events that challenge me to be civil and calm.

Ok, now that I have admitted this, I certainly do judge and disapprove of myself at times and want to run from who I think I am.

So much time invested in the pretense just so that i will have the approval and admiration from others. I want to be successful in the eyes of others.

The perception of success is not necessarily success.

Oh yes it may appear to you that I am successful particularly if i am making lots of money, have homes, cars, property, savings in the bank and that trophy wife...... but that is not necessarily success.

Yes it is success if I make what the world calls success, successful, because that is what is accepted.....but there is a lot work that goes into getting others to consider us successful.

Lots of work.....our motives come out of the perception that we are not and that we should be.

That's right why would anyone want that kind of attention? As if attention is what they want?

The answer is simple......we do not feel successful, we do not feel approved of and in control. yes,

to want anything from the world implies a lack, an not having..

We go to great measures and extremes to have the world give us what we in reality already have, just waiting inside for us to discover.

Yes is there......self love and self approval, and if you can see what i am saying as can have as much as you want and never run out.

That's right just through out the day and approve yourself, regardless of what happens.

Go ahead give it a try... If you are stuck it is only because you have a lot of self judgment and self disapproval..

So one way is to let go of this energy of judgment, and forgive yourself when thoughts of desire, expectation, pain and suffering overwhelm you.

Please try it.......and if you need any assistance please give me a call.

Steven Shaps